Thursday, August 27, 2009

Husbandology is the Study of Husbands

Husbandology is the complex study of husbands.

After all, who can figure them out? Love them or hate them (or both) they are an interesting species of mankind. We will be studying the 'husband' in regard to romance, finance, domestic violence, infidelity, and negotiation. All wives, non-wives, wanna-be wives, and ex-wives are welcome to attend. We encourage class participation. Everyone has something to contribute on this controversial topic.

Classes will meet here on Monday, Wednesday and Friday beginning August 31, 2009.

1 comment:

Margret said...

I tried to put this under a comment but couldn't figure it out ... can you get it to work?

I spent the first 21 years of my life having to spell my maiden name, correct people when they pronounced it wrong, and laughing politely when they made fun of it (it's Ukranian). So when love came around and my husband-to-be had a 'normal' last name - I couldn't wait for the chance to take a new and much more common name!

Little did I know that common is relative ... I now spend my life over-accentuating the first syllable so people will get it right and not confuse it with an even more common close variation, looking for photos under a different letter because the salesperson didn't listen closely enough, and here's the clincher ... SPELLING my common married name!!!

I'm considering joining Cher and Madonna in the single name nation ...