Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Do you think I look pretty?

Have you ever spent hours doing your hair, make up and nails only to be completely ignored by your husband?

Remember the days when he raved about how beautiful you looked in jeans and a dirty sweatshirt? But that was when you were dating. Now, after several years of marriage you can't get a compliment out of him to save your life? Join the club of 'very married' women who try, to no avail, to wrangle a compliment out of their inattentive husbands.

The problem is, if you husband says you look beautiful after you've had to ask, you most likely won't believe him. And if you don't ask him, you'll be waiting all evening for him to notice you and the effort (and yes, it is effort) you went to look gorgeous. This is the dilemma most women will face sometime in their long term relationships or marriage. What you do about it is the question?

Some women will yell and scream until he understands the importance of noticing his spouse. Others will take the opposite and extreme route of ignoring their husbands and finding the fulfillment of full-on compliments elsewhere (if there is marriage without love there will be love without marriage).

It seems it would be simpler for husbands just to say, "Hey, Baby you look great." and keep the wheels well oiled at home. But for whatever reason, men think that after the 'bloom is off the rose' they can let the petals crumble to the ground. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons the divorce rate is so high (hoovering around 50%). Talk maybe cheap, but not giving your wife a sincere compliment maybe the most expensive mistake a man ever makes in a marriage.

The bottom line is simple; print this out and give it to your husband, and let him know this is one of the most important pieces of marital advice he'll ever get. Tell your wife/partner she is beautiful. The words will resonate for days, lift her spirits, and make the overall atmosphere in the household happier. Remember, happy wife, happy life. Go on, tell her she's beautiful - because she is.


Anonymous said...

I need to print this out for my husband! He hasn't said anything nice for years!

Anonymous said...

I hate when I get dressed up and he says nothing. Like nah...